Vale la pena otra mirada

Friday, April 13, 2012

Safety Tips for Women

In most cases, women are the ones who are abused in a domestic relationship with a male partner. Getting out of an abusive relationship isn’t easy. We may find ourselves clinging and attached to our significant individual. People may ask “Why doesn’t she leave?”, but the answer is never simple.  If the relationship turns violent and abusive on a habitual schedule, it is important to seek help right away. Here are some tips for women who may encounter violent relationships:

  • Look for Red Flags – Be on the lookout for signs that may trigger violent episodes. Common signs are getting into a big arguments, elevating voices, and switching to aggressive posture. Establish a code phrase or signal for your children, friends, and neighbors to let them know that you picked up on one of these red flags and need to leave the situation.
  • Identify Safe Areas/Exit Points – Make sure you don’t keep your argument in areas that are small, enclosed places without exits. In addition, avoid confrontation in areas where weapons are easily accessible like a kitchen.
  • Make an Evacuation Plan: Have an evacuation plan to a safe house. Family members and close friends are good examples of places to go during a violent episode. The abuser should have no knowledge of the whereabouts of your safe house. You practice your evacuation plan with family and friends to ensure a safe execution.
  • Buy a prepaid phone: After making a good emergency contact list, you may want to buy a prepaid phone to be stashed with your emergency contact list and ready to use in an emergency.
  • Seek Professional Help: You may want to seek professional advice from a counselor, the police, or even a lawyer for a restraining order depending on the circumstances and level of abuse.
